News from the world of KERN-LIEBERS Textile

42 KERN-LIEBERS trainees ready for working life

KERN-LIEBERS hosts annual graduation ceremony for 42 trainees and students


On September 28, 2017 KERN-LIEBERS in Schramberg hosted their traditional annual graduation ceremony for the 42 trainees and dual students (Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University) completing their professional education this year. 

Besides the successful alumni the event was attended by the members of the KERN-LIEBERS management board, the business unit leaders, as well as the plant manager and the workers‘ council.

The opening speech was given by Mr. Andreas Bitzer, training manager at KERN-LIEBERS. In a short slideshow he showed pictures of the highlights and projects of the last years of professional education at KERN-LIEBERS. Bitzer pointed out the company’s excellent possibilities for professional development: during their training period the trainees and students can gather professional experience abroad and participate in projects focusing on social skills.

More than half of all dual trainees of this year’s graduates could finish their professional education faster than planned (so-called turbo trainees). But there is more: in spite of these many reduced training periods, the class of 2017 could achieve a total of 29 awards and mentions, Bitzer stated proudly. Another sign of the excellent quality of KERN-LIEBERS’ education program is the high retention rate: 40 of the 42 trainees and students stay at the company after graduation.

CEO Dr. Udo Schnell welcomed the graduates and congratulated on their outstanding results. In a short company presentation he informed about the professional chances and perspectives the KERN-LIEBERS Group offers them.  

Now followed the official graduation ceremony. The successful technical trainees received congratulations and presents from their instructors, dual students and commercial trainees from Mr. Andreas Bitzer, respectively.

Mr. Fred Zehnder, chairman of the workers‘ council, expressed his compliments as well and thanked all trainers for their excellent work: a total of 18 trainees finished their apprenticeship faster than scheduled (so-called „turbo trainees“).

Finally, in the name of all young workers, Mr. Philipp Fleisch and Mr. Phillipp Pfaff thanked the company and handed out presents to their trainers and Dr. Udo Schnell.

After the official ceremony a small get-together was organized to finish the day in a relaxed atmosphere.

The KERN-LIEBERS graduates 2017
Technical Trainees
Industrial Mechanics
Chalom Coomee, Mikail Dasbasi, David Fetscher (mention IHK), Philipp Fleisch (turbo-trainee, mention IHK & professional school), Daniel Kauth (turbo-trainee, mention IHK & professional school), Krischan Kunz (turbo-trainee, mention IHK, award professional school), Marius Lobert (turbo-trainee), Andreas Moosmann (mention IHK), Julian Müller (mention IHK & Berufsschule), Florian Popp (turbo-trainee, mention IHK & Berufsschule), Florian Rapp (mention IHK & professional school), Steffen Rapp (turbo-trainee, mention IHK), Nick Rottler (turbo-trainee, mention professional school), Marius Santoro (turbo-trainee), Mirella Stemke (turbo-trainee, mention IHK, award professional school), Yannis Wirth (award IHK)

Jan Asprion (turbo-trainee, mention IHK), Marco Drobina (turbo-trainee, mention IHK & professional school), Tom Heizmann, Emanuel Herre, Kevin Kieninger (turbo-trainee, award IHK & professional school), Nico-Andre Knobloch, Phillipp Pfaff (turbo-trainee, mention IHK & professional school), Dennis Rollheiser (mention IHK & professional school), Timo Stauss, Lukas Treichel (turbo-trainee, mention IHK)

Material Testers
Jan-Lucas Getzreiter (turbo-trainee)

Technical Product Desiger
Sabrina Hauer

Commercial Trainees
Industrial Management Assistants
Mona Banoune (turbo-trainee), Denise Fehrenbacher, Laura Kaiser (turbo-trainee, mention IHK), Celine Krause (mention IHK)

IT Specialists
Kevin Schock (turbo-trainee)

Dual Students
Mechanical Engineering (Bachelor of Engineering)
Nikolai Brucker, Toni Ebenhoch, Andrej Hein

Business Administration - Industry (Bachelor of Arts)
Simon Zitzler

Business Administration - International Business (Bachelor of Arts)        
Vanessa Hattler, Simon Ketterer, Nadine Ullrich

Technical Management (Bachelor of Arts)
Annika Reiner

Business Information Systems (Bachelor of Arts)
Maximilian Sand

The successful KERN-LIEBERS graduates 2017 with representatives of the Management Board, Training Department and Workers' Council